Thank you to Rev. Zach King
We want to thank General Secretary Zach King and the leadership of the CRCNA for putting forth the video on December 1, 2023. It adds clarity, while also challenging our congregations to move forward in faithfully proclaiming Jesus and walking with all who struggle in temptation, brokenness, and sin. Restating the position of the church regarding homosexuality, which, as Dr. King said, has been in deliberate dialogue for over 50 years and has consumed thousands of pages of study and research, was important. Nothing in our belief or understanding has changed. It has only been upheld and reiterated in recent synods, as well as several others in the past few decades.
Dr. King also needs to be thanked for the challenge to engage in intentional pastoral care. The CRC has been embroiled in debate these past several years. We must continue to move forward in gospel proclamation and discipleship with all, including all of us as we wrestle with our sexuality and identity. Rather than run away or simply cast stones from the sidelines, we heed the call to enter into the brokenness with the promise and hope of Jesus Christ. This is a very important topic. Please take time to watch the video, note the resources, and then prayerfully implement next steps in ministry with grace and truth. Thank you, Dr. King, for your leadership.
Want to host a regional gathering?
Keen observers will have noticed that last fall we hosted the first ‘regional gathering’ in Ontario. This event was benefical and quickly spawned two more like it: West Michigan, and Iowa/Midwest.
Would an event like this be beneficial in your classis or region? These events seek to serve a few main purposes:
Fellowship with other church members and leaders
Panel discussion to tackle regional ministerial struggles or concerns
Round table discussions to encourage fellowship and mutual advice and care
Praise and prayer to grow together and glorify God in all we do.
These purposes of the regional gatherings are connected to the Abide Project through a shared committment to the teachings of human sexuality in the Christian Reformed Church and work to bring together people to encourage, uplift, and assist on ministry related questions.
Please email if you are interested in hosting a regional gathering. We would be pleased to help with the planning and potential costs associated with such an event.
Thank you for your contuinued support, both prayer and financial. It is greatly appreciated!
To God be the glory, now and forever.
The Abide Project