Words from our Brothers and Sisters in the CRC in Sierra Leone
In this new series, The Abide Project will post responses to the Human Sexuality Report and Synod 2022 from denominations around the world that are connected to the Christian Reformed Church. These connections, like the one below, could be from denominations that have ecumenical relations to the CRC.
What denomination are you a part of and in what capacity do you serve your denomination?
My name is Rev. Moses Jawara. I belong to the Christian Reformed Church in Sierra Leone and I am serving as the National President of the Christian Reformed Church in Sierra Leone.
How is your denomination affiliated and/or how have you partnered with the Christian Reformed Church in North America (CRCNA)?
Our denomination is affiliated with the Christian Reformed Church in North America (CRCNA). We have been partnering since the 80's in carrying out mission and ministry work in this part of the Lord's vineyard.
In June 2022, the CRCNA Synod declared as confessional teaching that homosexual sex is sinful. Does your denomination have a position on the subject?
In our opinion, the clarity of God’s truth on this matter remains unchanged in spite of hermeneutical methods designed to justify homosexual behavior. The Bible prohibits all kinds of sexual promiscuity–heterosexual as well as homosexual. Logical consistency demands that individuals and groups who want to reinterpret Scripture to sanction free sexual expression among homosexuals should extend the same concession to heterosexual singles; and, in fact, some have already taken this next step. But none of this can alter the facts: there is simply no scriptural support for endorsing sexual immorality (i.e. sexual activity outside the bond of heterosexual marriage) for anyone, no matter what his or her personal sexual feelings may be. Our stand is totally against same sex marriage.
Would it have any impact on your denomination if the CRCNA does not continue to uphold the historic Christian understanding of marriage and human sexuality
Yes, it would have an impact on the mission work. If they accept homosexual sex, this will affect us negatively because that is not what we are known for as a denomination, and it is culturally unfit. We are called Reformed because the Bible should speak on its own. We don't embrace error but the truth of the Bible. The other side of it is that the CRCNA is our parent body. We will be laughed at from the other denominations.
Do you hope the CRCNA will continue to hold to this position in the future or that it will be more open to considering other views?
Yes, that's our prayer for the CRCNA, that it will continue to hold to this position in the future and not consider any other view of liberalism. Any opposite consideration will mean they don’t hold to the teachings of Martin Luther and John Calvin anymore. As Reformers, we stand on these teachings.