Words from the PCA
In this new series, The Abide Project will post responses to the Human Sexuality Report and Synod 2022 from denominations around the world that are connected to the Christian Reformed Church. These connections, like the one below, could be from denominations that have connections to the CRC by shared theology, or be ecumenical partners.
Reverend Tom Groelsma is the Executive Pastor at Christ Covenant Church in Matthews, North Carolina. Tom is a graduate of Calvin College in Grand Rapids, where he received his BA in History, and of Westminster Seminary California in Escondido, California, where he earned his master of divinity. Tom also serves on the board for Westminster Seminary California. He is also a graduate of Calvin Seminary’s special program for ministerial candidates. Before arriving at First CRC, Tom was senior pastor at Bunde Christian Reformed Church in Clara City, Minnesota for seven years.
What denomination are you a part of and what is your role?
Presbyterian Church in America. Executive Pastor at Christ Covenant Church, Matthews, NC
How is your denomination related to the CRCNA?Â
While the PCA and the CRC have a different history and have different standards (Westminster Standards vs. the 3 Forms of Unity), the two denominations share a common heritage in the Reformed faith.Â
What do you appreciate about the Christian Reformed Church in North America and how has it been a blessing to you and your churches?Â
The CRC is my spiritual mother. I was raised in the Christian Reformed Church and served for 27 years as a Senior Pastor in two different CRC churches. I appreciate the theology and confessions of the CRC and its emphasis on Christian education. I admire the CRC’s strong history of missions. I’m incredibly thankful that I learned to love the Lord and his Word, in and through the CRC.
In June 2022, the CRC Synod ruled that Biblical sexuality is of confessional status, meaning, all office bearers (ministers, elders and deacons) must subscribe to it. This includes the statement that homosexuality and same-sex marriage are sinful. What is your personal response?
I’m very thankful for the decisions made by Synod 2022. I wholeheartedly agree with the Biblical stand the Synod took and admire its courage.  I believe that the Scriptures are clear that marriage is between one man and one woman and that any sexual relationship outside of such a marriage is sin. By declaring that Biblical sexuality holds confessional status the Synod rightly determined that it’s impossible to sustain two opposing views. This is a gospel issue.Â
What is your denomination’s response to the decisions of Synod 2022 on marriage and sexuality? Does your denomination have a position statement which you can furnish us?
I’m not sure that the PCA made any kind of official statement in response to the CRC Synod. The PCA as a whole would respect the Synod’s decision as reflected in its own Human Sexuality Report. The PCA’s report is strong and worth learning from.Â
What impact would it have if the CRC does not continue to uphold the historic Christian understanding of marriage and human sexuality?
Unfortunately the CRC would become another casualty of theological liberalism. It would join many other denominations that have comprised on this issue and would probably suffer the same consequences-a loss of respect from other more conservative, Reformed denominations and a shrinking membership and ministry.
Do you hope the CRCNA will hold to this position in the future or that it will be more open to considering other views?
I hope that the CRC will hold to the position taken at Synod 2022. It would be a wonderful providence of the Lord. I pray for that.