Founded in 2021
The Abide Project Mission Statement
For the sake of the true Gospel, the faithfulness of Christ's Church, the glory of God, and the good of His people, we strive for the Christian Reformed Church to uphold the beautiful, Biblical, confessional, and historic understanding of human sexuality in doctrine, discipleship, and discipline.
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“Abide” began with a group of ministers and leaders in the Christian Reformed Church in North America (CRC) concerned about recent developments in the denomination. The group firmly believes that the Bible teaches that God created humanity male and female and that marriage is for a man and a woman in a lifelong covenant. Sexuality is a sacred, beautiful act of a man and woman becoming one flesh in the covenant of marriage. Any sexual practice outside God’s design for marriage is sexual immorality. This view of human sexuality has always been maintained in the Christian church since the time of the apostles. The CRC approved an official statement on homosexuality in 1973 that articulated and standardized the church’s historic view of sexuality. In the CRC, some have challenged this biblical standard based on recent trends in Western society. Churches have hosted speakers who publicly challenge the church’s teaching. One CRC congregation recently ordained someone in a same-sex marriage to the office of deacon. The area CRCs of this church’s classis – who are responsible for mutual accountability and oversight – have refused even to confront the church about their departure. As a result, CRC ministers and leaders began to gather electronically to discuss a proper response. The palpable concern led to a more organized effort to promote biblical marriage and sexuality in the CRC.
Abide believes that the confusion about sexuality is symptomatic of larger, underlying divergences in belief and doctrine within the CRC. Such compromises on sexuality and marriage have arisen because of significant disagreements on biblical inspiration, identity in Christ, ecclesiology and eschatology. The matter of sexuality has simply brought these differences to the forefront.
We chose to name our group “Abide” to reflect Jesus’ call to abide in him (John 15:5-11). We abide in him as branches are intimately connected to their vine. Abiding in Christ, we have true intimacy and belonging with him and one another. Abiding in his love means submitting to Jesus as Lord, trusting his heavenly wisdom and obeying his commandments. Knowing his love for us, we trust his commandments are not only for his glory but our own good. In obedience, we bear fruit of a transformed life that sees eternal joy in sharing Christ’s love and good news with the world.
The Abide Project Leadership Team
Rev. Chad Steenwyk, Chairman
Central Avenue CRC, Holland Michigan
Rev. Aaron Vriesman, Clerk
North Blendon CRC, Hudsonville Michigan
Rev. Ken Benjamins
Dundas CRC, Dundas, Ontario
Rev. Jason Ruis
Faith Community CRC, Beaver Dam, WI
Rev. Andy Sytsma
Life in Christ CRC, Salt Lake City, UT
Rev. Dr. David Cheung
Immanuel CRC, Richmond, BC
Rev. Stephen Terpstra
Borculo CRC, Zeeland, MI
Samantha Sebastia
Carismah CRC, Katy, TX
Dr. Mary Vanden Berg
Professor of Systematic Theology, credentials held by LaGrave CRC
Rev. Harry Frielink
Covenant CRC, Barrie, Ont