Thanks for sharing this resources with us.

This quote was especially significant: "We cannot both call people to follow Jesus as Lord and promote rebellion against Him. Agreeing to disagree would essentially welcome rebellion against Christ within Christ’s church."

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The above 2 comments scoffing at this article on unity and the importance of unity surrounding God’s truth is, I believe, evidence and confirmation of how far the Church has fallen into deception.

The fact that the Church has not righteously disciplined their flocks for decades has made 2 things clear -

First, the time has come for Christ’s Church to regain the marks of a true Church. The 3rd mark of a true Church is discipline. Love is at the center of discipline. If you love someone, you tell them the truth. The fact that most of our churches have not disciplined those involved in acts or lifestyles of sexual impurity, including homosexuality, should correctly be called out, and done so in the spirit of true love. However, not having correctly called out other forms of sexual impurity is a very poor reason to argue for the acceptance of any other form of sexual impurity.

Secondly, at the risk of becoming like the German church in WWII and being mostly silent while the world suffered, we need to take a stand against the spiritual forces of evil that are so prevalent in our world’s culture.

Pray for God’s strength, and His truths to be revealed, and that it would lead to repentance and revival in the land.

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I already knew the answer was nope. It is good that you asked a disingenuous question, so we know what you are.

What of the hetero sins? Will you eventually get to them?

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I couldn’t agree more. Very disingenuous question and dishonorable communication tactics. It’s simply manipulative and demeaning to readers.

When you’ve already written a whole series on this, the article might as well read: “Of course we can’t, you idiot, what did you expect to find here?”

You’d think they’d care a little more about living “in rebellion to Christ.” This pride is so poisonous though, Jonathan, and as much as it hurts, I have a feeling we’ll both be better off letting Abide and their “church” go.

They’ve proven time and again they don’t know how to love the other. They love only the letter of their law.

They will prove it right now by leaving us unaddressed and with nothing to offer but “go worship elsewhere.”

They won’t be preaching on Genesis 38, semen retention, or hetero lustfulness. There isn’t self-awareness and self-sacrifice here. Just perceived “authority” that will eternally poke at the specks of others.

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