Thanks for the article. Your argument is coherent, clear, and biblically correct. The entire concept of discipline has been largely ignored in the church at large as well as in the CRC. We need to be reminded (as you did) that church discipline is one of the marks of the true church according to the Belgic Confession. It is essential to the health of the church.

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That church leaders are called to discipline, even excommunicate, those in a same sex marriage is a harsh judgment that could be completely unbiblical. That is wrong.

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Richard, you have called the basic premise of this article harsh, completely unbiblical and wrong. You are entitled to have that, or any other opinion, and post it wherever you want. You have done nothing to convince me, as you offer no reasons or arguments whatsoever for your position. This is just name calling. I think the author of the article made an excellent case for his premise and I agree with it.

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Really? How so? Are church leaders called to discipline people breaking the 7th Commandment? Can that discipline include excommunication? While there are those that make the case that SSM "could be biblical," others make the case that polygamy or open marriages "could" be biblical. That doesn't mean that the CRCNA believes it is, and won't act accordingly. On a broader scale, there are all kinds of heretics in the world that have claimed Scripture supports all kinds of wrong beliefs and practices. But, just because someone somewhere disagrees, doesn't mean our hands are tied. No, that would be the sin of omission, and by our own teachings, we would designate ourselves not to be a true church (if we failed to lovingly exercise discipline and correction). That would be wrong Richard!

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