Silly men condemning a favourite scapegoat so they can feel pure. Hypocricy.

Why isn't Abide going after the filthy masturbators that undoubtedly enjoy this power play? Hetero sins are tops, if you're serious.

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With all due respect, the panel discussion came off like a good Refromed head trip. If one has a genuine, personal relationship with the Lord, then s/he endeavors to do that which is pleasing in his sight. It has nothing to do with escaping hell or going to heavn, it has everuything to do with loving God. Further, redemption/salvation is not a personal matter only or primarily but rather a redemotion of humanity. Torah is for our benefit, not for God's as if he is a divine bully stuck on himself. Jesus' ministry was to call the chosen back to the Father. It was not about systematizing their theology but about righting their lives. Let's put our feet on the ground.

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